By The Numbers

As we enter Hillel’s fiscal year our nonprofit remains strong – due to our business model, facilities and most important of all – our people.


Our Economics:

  • We enter the 2021-22 academic/fiscal year projecting a 4th consecutive balanced budget.
  • Our balance sheet remains strong: we own our three properties debt-free and have healthy assets.
  • As always, our funding comes primarily from community members, parents and alumni:
    • we receive no JEWISHcolorado nor Hillel International allocations.
    • our core funding covers facility expenses, administrative and back-office functions, a 4.0 FTE staff, staff training and support, development expenses and basic student program and meal expenses.
    • grants cover anything other than our core, basic work.

Our Facilities:

  • We are gratified to have wonderful Hillel Houses funded in the mid-2000’s when the community built or renovated excellent facilities for our students.
  • With an eye toward security (unfortunately much more necessary today than even twenty years ago) we have made a few necessary upgrades to our DU facility, and with pride we announce that last week our CSU Hillel was chosen along with nine other nonprofits (from fifty 2021 applicants) to receive a FEMA grant (ours is $41K) to retrofit our Merage Hillel House in Ft. Collins to be more secure against outside threats. The grant will bring the facility up to the standard we have in place at our DU Hillel House.

Our People:

  • Our 14 student interns, 5 staff members, 13-person governance board and business board/giving circle of 76 work to serve our:
  • 1,000 Jewish students in metro-Denver (based at The Merage and Allon Hillel Center at The University of Denver – with 500 Jewish students at DU, and with outreach to 500 more at other Denver-area colleges such as Regis, UCD, our three community colleges, and Metro State); and
  • 1,000 Jewish college students in northern Colorado (based at The Merage Hillel House at Colorado State University – with 500 Jewish Students at CSU, with outreach to 500 more at community colleges and universities in that region).


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