Parshat Beshalach
We begin Parshat Beshalach as the Jews flee the way of the wilderness. Everyone is carrying all their belongings and unleavened breads while Moses carries the bones of Joseph. And as they traveled, gd traveled with them – at day as a cloud to protect them from the scorching sun and at night as fire to light their way so they could continue day and night.
The wandered until they arrived at the Sea of Reeds. Around this time Pharaoh thought to himself, why did i let those Israelites leave?!?!? WE must go get them back!! So he took over 600 chariots and people to chase after them.
The Egyptians rapidly approached and the Israelites called out in anger to gd “ why did you make us flee if were just going to die?? We should have just stayed slaves!” Moses stood up and reminded the people that gd is on our side. With that Moses raises his staff over the sea and it split so the Israelites could walk on dry land. The Israelites trust was restored as they walked on dry land as walls of water formed on their right and left. Pharaohs best army was running after them approaching so gd locked the wheels of the chariots to slow them down. Moses raised his staff again and as they walked on the dry floor of the sea, behind them the walls of water fell in collapsing into the normalcy of the sea on top of the Egyptians. The Israelites arrive on the other side of the sea and cry our” Who is like you awe inspiring working wonders!!! “ And Miriam takes her timbral and leads the women in song and dance in joy of their freedom.
They continue on in their wandering into the wilderness, three days pass with drinkable water. Moses takes a piece of wood and throws it into some “ bitter water” and it becomes sweet and good to drink.
It has now been 2 months and 15 days since their departure from the land of Egypt and they are wandering in the wilderness of “sin” getting closer to Sinai. The people are hungry and kvel to Moses. Gd hears them and sends in quails in the evenings that covered the camp, flesh for the Israelites to eat. In the mornings a dew set about the camp and when it lifted, a flaky substance lay on the ground – enough each day for the people to be satisfied. On the sixth day there was double the flakes for on the seventh day nothing would come. Moses told the people that days is a day of rest – a holy day – bake and boil double what you would and keep half till the next day. The Israelites ate this sweet substance they called manna 40 forty years as they wandered, until they came to the borders of the land of Cannan.
Again the people grew thirsty and angry yelling at Moses asking why they ever left Egypt if they were going to just be thirsty all the time. So Moses took his staff and struck a rock from which water erupted for the people. A people of the area – Amalek – stopped by and were angry these randos set up camp so they attacked. With the help of Joshua and his sword, Moses kept his staff up for hours to bring the help of gd to the battle. The battle was difficult and you’ll have to stay tuned for next week when we find out what happens!