Sponsor A Shabbat
Did Hillel shape your experience at The University of Denver? If so, please consider donating to help support programs, learning, and the Jewish journey of current and future students! Let’s work together to set up the next generation for success! Any amount helps us put on programs – like the Shabbats that you might have attended!
Hillel’s Friday evening Shabbat program is one of our most attended and most important. At the end of a long week we are there to provide opportunities to engage, explore and celebrate Shabbat together as a campus family: from optional student-led services to themed learning, and always 100% free for all gourmet kosher dinner! Shabbat is Judaism’s most important holiday, coming every week worldwide and on campus, and is Hillel’s strongest, most attended student program – offering a sense of community, tradition and an outlet for interactive exploration of Jewish practice across a diverse, vibrant spectrum.
Please consider sponsoring a Shabbat for one of our campuses. Help us provide food, programming and camaraderie for the 50-100 students who attend each week! You can fully fund a DU Hillel or CSU Hillel Shabbat for $900 each, or $1800 puts your family name on a Shabbat at both Hillel Houses!
How it works: Click on TO SPONSOR A SHABBAT and make your donation of $900 for one campus or $1800 for a Shabbat week at both campuses; we will contact you immediately to thank you and discuss details, OR contact any of us and we will help you choose the perfect week, the perfect sponsorship name, or connect you with one of our themes or topics that this right for your family’s sponsored Shabbat.