Meet Melissa Schnee, a graduate student majoring in social work at CSU and member of the Hillel Leadership Team.
Melissa joined Hillel in order to meet new people with similar values. Her favorite Hillel events are Shabbat dinners, because they are as welcoming as they are delicious. But one particular moment stands out: “My very first Shabbat dinner at CSU Hillel was really special. I did not know anyone, but felt so comfortable and so accepted by other members. I met a lot of new people and felt included the entire time. It was a great way to start off a new year in a new place.”
Regarding how Hillel has influenced her personal development on campus, Melissa says, “Hillel has helped me meet new people and be more social with other students. Hillel also introduced me to other graduate students and allowed me to improve not only personally but professionally as well. Interning at Hillel while attending school and working has taught me a great deal about time management.”
Hillel has influenced Melissa on a spiritual level by allowing her to practice Judaism on a weekly basis through observance of Shabbat, which she now considers part of her routine. She plans to continue her involvement with Hillel by attending holiday events and weekly Shabbat dinners as a way to stay connected to Judaism and maintain community with other Jews.
One thing she is working on is more outdoor activities such as hiking or swimming at Horsetooth, see some upcoming events on our FB page.
Come by an upcoming brunch or Shabbat and say hello to Melissa and the rest of the leadership team!
Beth Caplin Stoneburner is a CSU alumna with a master’s in creative writing. She has a passion for interfaith dialogue, and blogs about it at She lives in Windsor with her husband and fur kids, Zoey and Catniss Everclean.
CSU Hillel serves as an important bridge from the Jewish kid world to the Jewish adult world. We empower students to become leaders, and provide a warm and welcoming home-away-from-home for every student. Additionally, at CSU Hillel we take pride in cultivating a strong community with our weekly Shabbats, sustainability projects and community mitzvahs around Fort Collins, as well as, helping our students learn about Judaism and Israel in whatever capacity most comfortable to them. To learn more about CSU Hillel visit our website and make sure to follow us on social media on Facebook at CSU Hillel and Twitter @CSUHillel.